Can You Use Tiger Balm for Headaches

Migraines are recurrent, strong headaches, usually concentrated on either side of the head. To add to that, they can also be accompanied by nausea, extreme photophobia (sensitivity to light) and/or phonophobia (sensitivity to sound.) Migraines are a bona fide medical disorder which affect roughly one billion people. There are several classes of migraines of varying degrees of intensity and unfortunately, I belong to the group with the most recurrent and painful ones. Having tried every remedy and discerning which were effective and not, I wanted to share my experiences with you and save you any more pain on the road to recovery.

1. Tiger Balm

Tiger Balm is most effective on initial migraine symptoms. As it warms up and tingles on your skin, you may feel a bit of discomfort but it'll be a satisfying in the end. Tiger Balm is also great on your shoulders to relax muscles which can become tense and rigid during a migraine.

Price: about 5€ in pharmacies or online.

Description: Macintosh Karen:Users:karenleong93:Desktop:Tiger-Balm_Red.jpgImage credit: SK Clinic + Spa

2. Warm Bath or Shower

A bath or shower will help rest and relax your muscles immensely. Migraines can leave you feeling dizzy and weak but a warm shower or bath always does the trick.

Image credit: Wallhaven

3. Sleep Mask

If you have migraines, a sleeping mask will be one of your best investments! As mentioned, migraines make you very sensitive to light and sound. A sleeping mask will force you to close your eyes, reduce light exposure and help you relax. A sleep mask and a nap are usually my next steps after using Tiger Balm.

Price: Less than 5€

Image Credit: 1 Million Health Tips

4. Regular Sleep Schedule

It is very important to get a good night's rest. I find that irregular sleeping is the key trigger for migraines. It's incredibly helpful to set a bedtime and a wake up time. From my experience, I understand it can be difficult to keep a regular schedule like this, especially as students, but believe me, this will change your life!

Image Credit: Health Fundaa

Description: Macintosh Karen:Users:karenleong93:Desktop:wallhaven-138590.jpg

5. Regular Exercise

Regular exercise can relieve your migraines over time as it helps to reduce stress which can cause migraines. Of course this is only the case when you're not actively suffering from a migraine! AUP offers students great deals for gym memberships in Aquaboulevard and Cercles de la Forme.

Price: Between 200€ to 320€ per year

Image credit: Shutterstock

6. Head & Shoulder Massage

Who would say no to a massage? It's always relaxing to get a massage but when you are in pain, a targeted head and shoulder massage will help you manage your pain, improve energy levels and relieve tension. Massages can be expensive but fortunately, with AUP health insurance, students can take advantage of free massages at partner centers. The AUP Health Plan covers alternative medicine sessions up to 10 sessions per semester.

Recommended center: Acupuncture in Paris

Image Credit: Atlantic Chiropractic and Rehabilitation

7. Acupuncture

Acupuncture belongs to traditional Chinese medicine and restores energy malfunctions or helps maintain an energy balance, a guarantor of good health. It can treat an isolated attack, but can also provide preventive treatment to avoid future migraines. I first tried acupuncture two years ago. I was so nervous it was going to hurt, but I was ready to try anything, no matter how painful, to stop my migraines. In the end, I was quite comfortable throughout the process  and my pain turned into relief after about half an hour. Just like massages, through school health insurance, you can take advantage of up to 10 free sessions per semester.

Recommended centers: Acupuncture in Paris  &  Centre Medical St. Lazare

Description: Macintosh Karen:Users:karenleong93:Desktop:Acupuncture.jpg
Image credit: Pain Relief Clinic

8. Reduce you Caffeine Consumption

Studies show consuming large amounts of caffeine creates side effects in people with migraines. You set yourself up for withdrawal headaches, which can stimulate your brain's migraine center and trigger an attack. Limit intake to 200 mg a day, which is about one 8-ounce cup of coffee. I cut back on my Coke consumption and just as studies showed, my migraines lessened after a few weeks.

Image credit: Manorama

9. See a Doctor

Dr. Dominique Valade, a neurologist, is my lifesaver. I went to see him a year ago and he prescribed a daily treatment which helps reduce my recurrent migraines as well as the intensity of pain when I do have them. He was also able to prescribe "emergency medicine" to take during a migraine crisis which stops it entirely in about 30 minutes. Since I began using the daily treatment, my intense migraines have reduced in frequency from about 3 to 4 times a week to about twice every two weeks.

Price: Usually 100€; AUP health insurance will reimburse you within 3 weeks.

10. Try to Reduce Your Stress

This might be one of the principle causes of your migraines. Stress is my worst enemy when it comes to migraines and it is challenging to control. However, you are the only one who can manage your stress. I usually have more migraines when I am working or studying, but being more organized and having proper time management will reduce stress and therefore the potential for migraines.

Image Credit: Exercise Menu

Can You Use Tiger Balm for Headaches


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